Vehicle No ETP No GPS Datetime GPS Vendor Trip Time Trip Route Location {{veh.vehicleno}} {{veh.etpno}} {{veh.pollingtime}} {{}} {{veh.starttime}}
The major functions of the Directorate are administration of mines & minerals, processing of mineral concession applications, collection of mineral revenue, preventation & control of illegal mining & smuggling of minerals, enforcement of statutory provisions for exploration of minerals, peripheral development of mining areas, chemical analysis
مقدمة عندما يتعلق الأمر بالخلق وثائق ذات مظهر احترافي في Excel، تعد القدرة على طباعة صفحة كاملة أمرًا ضروريًا. سواء كان جدول بيانات أو مخططًا أو رسمًا بيانيًا، فإن القدرة على طباعة المحتوى بالكامل دون أي مشكلات في
Email: [email protected] Date: March 29, 2022 Notice Inviting Tender “Invitation of bids for grant of Mining Lease for Iron Ore and Manganese & Iron Ore” In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 10 (B) of the Mines and Minerals
Introduction. Any individual, partnership firm, company can apply online for Mineral Due Clearance Certificate. The existing Lessee & Licensee can also apply online for MDCC in
Mineral Concession Portal for the Grant of Mining lease for major mineral (post auction), grant of Composite License, Grant of Mining lease for specified minor mineral and NERP
عزيزي المكلف، للمساعدة أو الإستفسار عن خدمات الحكومة الالكترونية فقط يرجى التواصل مع دائرة ضريبة الدخل والمبيعات عن طريق البريد الإلكتروني ([email protected]) ، و للمساعدة في تعبئة اقرارات ضريبة
The Indian Bureau of Mines (IBM) established in 1948, is a multi-disciplinary government organisation under the Department of Mines, Ministry of Mines, engaged in promotion of conservation, scientific development of mineral resources and protection of environment in mines other than coal, petroleum & natural gas, atomic minerals and minor minerals.
Under 5T initiative, the Department of Steel & Mines, Govt. of Odisha has rolled out Helpdesk & Feedback system for the ease of doing business in the operation of i3MS
2. Homepage Homepage with menu slide, Alert notification (bell icon) and tab for : Trip Summary Trip Details Trip Map Minewise total trips count and Minewise total tonnage in graph stats.2.1 Circle Dashboard 1) Trip Summary-User can see Mine wise total
Welcome to Digital Seva Connect. Gateway to CSC Network! Digital Seva Connect is a secure authentication system for connecting our users to services available on Digital Seva portal. Enter your username and password here to authenticate your log-in and enjoy seamless access to Digital Seva portal.
The code is designed in combination of their geographical presence, mineral deals with, company code & serial no. The unique code used as a reference code for all purpose of i3MS activity. The Lessees have been provided i3MS login info and console to do the day-to-day mining activities as per Odisha Mining Rules OMPTS, 2007. receives about 3,895 unique visitors per day, and it is ranked 416,417 in the world. uses Bootstrap, jQuery
5 · The Department of Steel and Mines, through application of modern technologies, strives towards sustained growth of the Steel and Other mineral based Industries in
4 · 1. COTRADESMENSHOPATRTCSVGITBP NOITBPSHQBGLRENGR20241453 02-Jul-2024 04:00 PM 03-Jul-2024 04:00 PM 2. Repair and maintenance of various defective split ACs of officers mess and Vikrmaditya Hostel under CSWT BSF Indore 22/NIT-E/CSWT
The existing Lessee & Licensee can also apply online for MDCC in their console. Any new user can get oneself registered and then go ahead in applying for the same by uploading all the relevant documents. The validity of MDCC is 6 months for Lessee & Licensees. The status of the application is communicated to the applicant through Email & SMS.
the Department of Steel & Mines, Govt. of Odisha has rolled out Helpdesk & Feedback system for the ease of doing business in the operation of i3MS Application. Any technical challenges / queries / feedbacks for the services availed by the i3MS users can register their technical issues on Toll free number 18003457481. Stakeholder's Database.
The main functions and activities of the Department of Steel and Mines are systematic survey and assessment of the mineral deposits of the State, their exploitation,
Kavach App should be downloaded only from authentic platforms i.e. App Store, Google Play Store & Extend ID (Retired Officers) Update Mobile & Profile New Language: English English Hindi-ह द Tamil-தம ழ
Mineral Concession Portal for the Grant of Mining lease for major mineral (post auction), grant of Composite License, Grant of Mining lease for specified minor mineral and NERP is LIVE NOW. Preferred bidders can now use the User ID and password as received from Directorate of Mines to login and apply for issuance of above.
اطبع مستند Word بدون هوامش. الرجاء القيام بما يلي لطباعة مستند بدون هوامش. 1. في المستند الذي ستطبعه بدون هوامش ، انقر فوق تصميم > صفحة الإعداد في ال صفحة الإعداد مجموعة. انظر لقطة الشاشة: 2. في ال
Damaged Devices. This GPS based Vehicle Tracking System for Dept. of Steel & Mines, Govt. of Odisha is awarded with Geospatial World Excellence award for the year 2018. Company Name. Total Devices. Polling Devices. NonPollling Devices. Installed Devices. Vehicle Statistics.
Damaged Devices. This GPS based Vehicle Tracking System for Dept. of Steel & Mines, Govt. of Odisha is awarded with Geospatial World Excellence award for the year 2018.
1 Introduction. Type on the Address Bar. Click on the appropriate Button, “Government, Railway, Port, Lessee, Licensee, Other” link on the