· The cement manufacturing industry has played a fundamental role in global economic development, but its production is a major facilitator to anthropogenic CO2 release and solid waste generation. Nigeria has the largest cement industry in West Africa, with an aggregate capacity of 58.9 million metric tonnes (MMT) per year. The Ministry for
· The Nigerian Cement Story. When Nigeria struck oil in the mid 1970s, it became a cash-rich country. As a result, the Nigerians began to import large quantities of consumer goods. The goods arrived at a much faster pace than the out-of-date ports could handle. Ships sprouted up in the harbor like weeds in an untended garden.
· Cement dust exposures has been reported to result in various occupational health problems and long term complications. However, effects of cement dust exposures on biochemical, oxidative stress indicators and Haematological profiles in Nigerians cement factory workers are scarce, therefore the present study is aimed at determining the
· Between 2018 and 2021, these companies recorded a Compounded Annual Growth Rate of 11.8%). BUA Cement recorded the fastest growth with a CAGR of 21.3%, while Dangote Cement and LAFARGE recorded a CAGR of +11.3% and +7.7%, respectively. We ascribe BUA Cement’s fast growth to the strategic acquisition of CCNA
Nigeria ement
Full Af FTA participation to drive exports We expect Nigeria's full participation in the AfFTA to boost cement exports from players like DANGEM and UAEMENT. As of 9M'23, UAEMENT alluded to having earned c.€7.0 million in exports and is working on capturing
· Here is a list of cement companies in Nigeria. 1. Dangote Cement Plc. Dangote Cement Plc, established in 1992, is one of the leading cement manufacturers in Nigeria. It is a subsidiary of the Dangote Group, a conglomerate known for its diversification in various industries. Dangote Cement.
Nigerian Journal of Soil and Environmental Research
The effects of cement kiln dust on selected soil physico-chemical properties after 25 years of cement production by the Benue cement factory in Gboko, Nigeria were evaluated by comparing the cement-dust affected soils with non-affected soils. The study showed
· The cement industry in Nigeria has undergone remarkable transformations in recent years, marked by a surge in innovations that have reshaped the landscape of construction materials. This deep dive explores the key innovations driving this evolution and their
2020 Cement Industry Report-Agusto & Co Store
Agusto & Co’s 2020 Cement Industry Report includes: Overview The Nigerian Cement Industry’s revenue dipped slightly by 0.8% in 2019 to an estimated ₦951 billion, following a drop in Industry demand on account of the disruptions related to the elections conducted during the year.
Environmental and Social Accounting Practices, and
Engaging in environmental and social activities and disclosing same in the annual financial or sustainability report by business entities has been controversial for over three decades among stakeholders across different
· The lung function of the cement workers also decreased with the duration of employment. Cement dust produced significant (P < 0.001) workshift depression in the lung function of the subjects. The symptoms presented by the subjects were cough and phlegm production, skin irritation, chest tightness, conjuctivitis, catarrh, stomachache, and boils.
· Reasons given for the non-use of PPE by some of the respondents were unavailability and discomfort. Musa et al., [15] in their study, also reported that the reasons for non-use of PPE among some
Nigeria Cement Industry Outlook 2022-2026
Nigeria's cement exports are projected to reach $105.3 million by 2026, up from $79.3 million in 2021. This comes at an average year-on-year growth rate of 4.5%. Since 2007,
Nigeria ement
Thus, aided by stable prices in Nigeria and the volume above projections, we forecast a modest 7.4% YoY increase in Nigerian revenue to N1.29 trillion in FY'23 and a 19.0% YoY growth to N1.55 trillion in FY'24.
Nigeria Operations – Welcome to Dangote Cement Plc
Nigeria is Dangote Cement’s home market and where we started manufacturing cement in 2007. We have three fully integrated cement plants of 32.3 Mta located in Obajana, Ibese and Gboko. We plan to build new capacity in the coming years to meet Nigeria’s and
· Apart from the impact of imported inflation (through spares, etc) and global supply chain challenges, while operating in an inflationary setting, the Nigeria cement industry experienced an
Association between exposure in the cement production industry
Objectives Based on findings from a systematic literature search, we present and discuss the evidence for an association between exposure to cement dust and non-malignant respiratory effects in cement production workers. Design and setting Systematic literature
· We envisage another solid year for cement manufacturers, with private and public demand set to be major fulcrums. This prognosis on cement consumption is likely to reflect the knock-on effect of increased government spending
· Nigeria: Domestic cement sales totalled US$3.46bn in value in the first nine months of 2021, up by 30% year-on-year from US$2.66bn in the corresponding period of 2020. The Punch newspaper has reported that
· Drawing on risk mitigation theory, this article examines whether the improvement of firms’ social performance reduces debt financing costs (CDFs) in China, the world’s largest
· We. conclude that Dangote Cement is an African success story that is best explained by a range of. factors, which include the close relationship of Aliko Dangote with the Nigerian state, his
Vol 23 Cement dust-African Journals OnLine
E-mail: [email protected], Tel.: +234-8059538456. Summary: This study measured haematological and liver function parameters in workers occupationally exposed to cement dust in order to test the hypothesis that cement dust exposure may perturb these functions. Assessment of haematological parameters and liver function were performed in 23
· It has rallied this year by 85.6 percent from N319 on the first trading day of the year. The stock furthered its rise to N651.80 per share on Tuesday, reaching the maximum daily increase of circa 10 percent as early as 12 noon. “The surge in Dangote Cement has led the rally in Industrial goods sector. Going by the popular saying ‘Buy the
· Lafarge is one of the best cement brands in Nigeria and the price of elephant cement in Nigeria is between the range of ₦4,000 – ₦4,300 per bag in the country. 4. Unicem Cement. Unicem Cement. This cement brand is owned by United Cement Company of Nigeria Limited – a major cement manufacturing company in Nigeria.
Management by Objective and Organisational Performance of
IRJEMS International Research Journal of Economics and Management Studies Published by Eternal Scientific Publications ISSN: 2583 – 5238 / Volume 2 Issue 2 June 2023 / Pg. No: 491-497 Paper Id: IRJEMS-V2I2P154, Doi: 10.56472/25835238/IRJEMS
ement: The competitive landscape may be tighter in 2022
The recently launched Infrastructural Corporation of Nigeria Limited (INFRACO)-conceptualized by the CBN alongside the African Finance Corporation (AFC) and the
· Research has established that the effects of transactional leadership on organisational performance may be both positive and negative. For example, Longe (2014) established that the transactional
· PDF | Cement dust exposures has been reported to result in various occupational health problems and long term complications. However, effects of cement | Find, read and cite all the research
· Overall cement sales by the three key players in Nigeria increased 11% over 9M 2021 to 22mt, from 20mt last year. Beyond 2021, BUA stated on its last analyst call that the other 3mt plants in Sokoto (line 4) and Obu (line 3) are scheduled to be completed by July 2023 (rather than 2022, as expected). We will continue to look out for any
Association between exposure in the cement production industry
Objectives Based on findings from a systematic literature search, we present and discuss the evidence for an association between exposure to cement dust and non-malignant respiratory effects in cement production workers. Design and setting Systematic literature searches (MEDLINE and Embase) were performed. Outcomes were restricted to